March 10,
2016 For the second S.T.E.P.H. Program,
CMZ had Grade 10 students from a private Catholic school, St. Joseph School
with 50 participants.
stands for Student Tour for Exposure to Professions in Healthcare which is a
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program under Human Resource with Ms.
Juvee Calica, HR Manager as lead.
Program aims to assist Grade 10 in their career choice through exposure to the
hospital setting, which we hope will broaden their knowledge that work
available in hospitals are not limited to doctors and nurses but also to
technology related as well as administrative and finance type of jobs. This will
show them a glimpse of the reality of work in hospitals as well as give them
the chance to interact with the workforce.

Thank you so
much to the very accommodating Sr. Ma.
Virginia Benito OP, SJS Principal for accepting the invitation and for being the first private school to be part of the CMZ STEPH Program.
We do hope other junior high schools would follow suit and give the opportunity for their students to experience what are the work possibilities in the hospital setting.
The CMZ STEPH Program is open anytime but more feasible during the opening of the next school year June 2016 to March 2017.