May 14, 2016 was another unique day for the CMZ BRAngay Project since the CMZ Breast Wellness Center joined the Huggies BUNTIS CONGRESS!
The day is a tribute to pregnant women here in Zamboanga City with lectures on Prenatal Check-up, Breast Cancer Awareness, fun and games, opportunities to win prizes and lots of freebies after the program!
There were photo-booths....
Breast Screening...
Lecture on Pre-Natal Care by Dr. Glenda Natividad
Games..."Make Me A Baby"
Lecture on Breast Cancer Awareness by Dr. Filipinas Rojo
It was an opportune time for CMZ BWC to present to this gathering of women, the video on Breast Cancer Awareness by I Can Serve, plus, several pearls regarding breast wellness and breast cancer awareness were shared to the women especially on Breast Self Examination.

Games... "Diaper Changing Contest" with Moms and Dads
Raffles...with Ms. Anna Berza and Ms. Sarah Lacaba of Huggies (Kimberly Clark), the main sponsor of the Buntis Congress!
Lots of freebies from Kimberly Clark and the co-sponsors...
This was a fun and fruitful day for the pregnant women and their husbands and most of all, a learning experience!
This is indeed a very innovative way to share varied valuable information to pregnant women and their partners, hopefully leading to pleasant pregnancy experience!!!
This is indeed a very innovative way to share varied valuable information to pregnant women and their partners, hopefully leading to pleasant pregnancy experience!!!
Thank you from the CMZ-Breast Wellness Center!