Wednesday, June 30, 2021


During this COVID 19 pandemic, we are facing a lot of challenges and trials. Things may not turn out to be favorable … one getting sick… or maybe the whole family… challenges at home… challenges in the workplace… challenges in education… challenges with finances… challenges related to our state of mind and heart! 

However, in these trying times, we still have many reasons to be grateful for… for the new normal… new perceptions in life… new realizations… new opportunities… new experiences! 

And, we are also grateful for little things in daily life… as well as for turning points, where we are thankful for people who help us through tough times … the times when we feel low… when we are hesitant and afraid … or when we are worried and confused. Thank you with all our hearts! 💕💕💕

I would like to share QUOTES ON GRATEFULNESS (with beautiful flowers in the background) for us to ponder upon…


I hope these quotes on GRATITUDE can open up our hearts and minds to look at this perplexing era in a better light… as this also opens our eyes to brighter opportunities and hopefully, the newly-gained optimism can be transformed to productive outcomes!
