Thursday, July 22, 2021


NO to Fake RT-PCR Results! 

This official statement from CMZ through President Atty Jhihann Hairun-Natividad was posted by Ciudad Medical Zamboanga last July  16, 2021 on the incident on fake RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription - Polymerase Chain Reaction) results using the hospital’s result form. 

CMZ would like to share that the perpetrators for this incident (who happen to be public servants!) were apprehended for falsification of documents and are presently, being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Punishment for perpetrators include penalty of up to P50,000 or imprisonment for one to six months, or both fine and imprisonment as deemed by the proper court. They would also face criminal charges and for those in public office, may also face administrative action.

The important thing is all testing centers now should be aware to strengthen the security features of the RT-PCR test results to prevent this alarming crime against society. For CMZ, there is now a generated QR Code embedded on the result for authenticity!

Therefore, BEWARE before creating fake RT-PCR results! 


Let us remember the reason why RT-PCR testing is being done… to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 infection!

Identification of individuals who are COVID 19 positive is important, especially, if they are ASYMPTOMATIC and note the urgent need for contact tracing.

Never take for granted the people around you… there are lots of asymptomatic carriers!

CMZ Swab Center at Mayor Vitaliano Agan Avenue, Zamboanga City. Thank you to the people at the CMZ Swab Center and in the processing area. 

 Having the swab test is already a stressful event in itself…
 expectation of the result, even more so!
We do the test so we will know if we have the infection, then, take the necessary precautions — whether for travel purposes, pre-surgery requirements, as one of the traced contacts, as back to work requirements as well as for those with possible COVID 19 symptoms.
Let us prevent COVID 19 spread, thus, NO to FAKE RT-PCR RESULTS! 

The surge last March to June 2021 in Zamboanga City was really heart-wrenching and nerve-racking.

Let us go over some statistics during these months through Mayor Beng Climaco’s FB posts.

AS OF MARCH 22, 2021

AS OF MAY 16, 20221

AS OF JULY 5, 2021

Zamboanga City was placed on the news map last May 12, 2021, when ZC ranked first with a 47% increase in COVID-19 cases compared to prior week. 

The sudden rise from about 32 active cases in early March exponentially rising to a high of 2700 active cases in May overwhelmed the healthcare sector with lack of hospital beds (queueing of patients for hospital admissions even reaching more than 50 patients in the wait-list), lack of oxygen tanks, high flow oxygen machines, ventilators, etc in most hospitals… and most of all, lack of healthcare personnel, especially nurses… which may be due to infection or quarantine… or to stress… or to family matters and even opportunities in the government sector and abroad!

We thank the hospital administration (especially CMZ!) who were able to manage the challenges and the doctors and whole workforce for being brave as they continue to provide value-based healthcare services!

As the numbers were increasing, MECQ was imposed in Zamboanga City last May 2021 for three weeks and again for the whole month of June 2021. Note that there was a sharp increase in COVID-19 deaths especially in the months of April and May indicating severe disease in these months.

This July 2021, the active cases are decreasing to the 200 level and the hospital services are again normalized. We hope that the numbers continue to go down, but with threat of the COVID-19 Delta variant, everyone still has to be continually vigilant to prevent another surge again.

One measure that the ZC LGU is implementing to prevent the worsening of the pandemic is to present a NEGATIVE RT-PCR TEST as one enters  through the border controls of Zamboanga City.

Let us follow the rules properly, thus, NO to FAKE RT-PCR TEST RESULTS!

To reinforce prevention of the COVID 19 spread, let us also ALL GET VACCINATED NOW

We look forward to the near future when we may not need RT-PCR tests for TRAVEL or for other reasons, for VACCINATED individuals! ❤️

At the CMZ Vaccination Area for my second dose. Thanks to everyone assigned here!



Photo credit: Ciudad Medical Zamboanga advocacy tarpaulin for #getvaccinatednow, with CMZ Department Heads, presently displayed at Camins Ave. Zamboanga City this July 2021


And of course, don’t forget the basic Health Protocols:

At the CMZ Radiology Department and photos at the CMZ Vaccination Center during my second dose vaccination

Keep safe and stay healthy!😷

Let us unite in our fight against COVID-19🦠!

Let us look forward to a safer Zamboanga City… a safer Philippines… and a safer WORLD!

💕 ❤️ 💕 ❤️ 💕 ❤️ 💕

Thursday, July 1, 2021


Each person determines his own journey to success. 

One cannot determine for the other person how great or small his dream should be.

One person may be easily contented and sets goals that are easy to reach.

Some decide to dream big, and sets almost impossible goals but may still achieve success because of the great efforts, determination and diligence.

Our goals may be determined by our childhood dreams, family expectations, school environment, extra-curricular exposure, meeting successful people who inspire us, networking with people who create opportunities which we recognize and nurture… and a lot more.

Where others see difficulty (like in this COVID-19 pandemic), others can appreciate opportunities and work on it!

Here are more QUOTES on GOALS, HARD WORK AND SUCCESS (with beautiful flowers in the background) for us to ponder upon… and hopefully, inspire you to achieve more.

Never lose sight of your dream… do everything to make this a reality… and hopefully, try to enjoy the journey even as you experience some challenges along the way!



 Each person has his own personal story on goals, hard work and success.

Achieving success is a difficult process and this all starts with a goal, something we aspire for! We can only reach this goal through hard work, taking risks, learning from failure, determination, dedication and a lot more! 

Here are some QUOTES ON GOALS, HARD WORK AND ACHIEVEMENT (with beautiful flowers in the background) to inspire us to dream and work hard to achieve the fruits of our labor.

I believe these quotes are fitting for the youth as we encourage them to start thinking for their future.

Yes, future seems to really be a long way ahead, but then, we realize that suddenly the child has grown-up. Therefore, start dreaming early… aspire for something great… then move forward to make these dreams an awesome reality.

But these quotes are also for the “young once” since we can still continue to dream and set goals and do your best to achieve and reach newer and higher successes.

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the landscape of life. Thus, some find it difficult to think of goals, and feel that even with hard work, it is difficult to move forward. But, don’t let the pandemic be the limiting factor! 

Look around… be inspired… opportunities are just there waiting to be recognized! So formulate your goals with the present realities in mind but always visioning for a brightest tomorrow!

Everything, therefore, depends on our individual goals and mindset…  our own efforts… the time and treasures we put in… to attain the success we envision to reach! 
