Sunday, June 14, 2015

CMZ Performance Excellence Rounds 2: OR/PACU


  1. Thanks, Dr. George Rojo, Dr. Bobet Calupitan, Dr. Alfonso Montuno for joining us at CPEx 2 with the OR/PACU group and thanks for your very fruitful contributions to the proceedings.

  2. Thanks to the OR/PACU group for your inputs and concerns and we are glad that we have addressed and are addressing the acquisition of several equipment for upgrade and instrumental for Patient Safety. The presence of the Department Heads of OR and PACU, Dr. Montuno and Dr. Amilasan of Infection Control and Head Nurses is very commendable as they will help steer your team to Performance Excellence. We would have wanted to see more staff during the CPEX. We know the limitation was the multiple ongoing operations that time (and most of the time!). We do hope that the course of our activity was well disseminated to the rest of the workforce in your unit since the OR/PACU is one of the prime areas which need to first imbibe the Culture of Patient Safety!
