Sunday, October 27, 2013


Again, I want to share about another theme: the houses in the Layag-Layag Mangrove Village.
This is one of the floating villages we passed by before we reached the community we visited. Indeed, these are houses on stilts.
And here are the houses at the village:
photo credit: Doc Anton Lim

And sometimes, houses are connected to each other by bamboo poles.
Do you notice the ropes?
These are the ropes to stabilize the houses.
And these are the tires to where the ropes are attached.
Abs confirmed that they really stay in the houses while there are typhoons!
This is the undersurface of the house.
And here is an example of a weather-beaten house!... Can you imagine if this is the effect of the typhoon?
Photo Credit: Michelle Lim
And this is the community further on, already partly on land... 
Mosque from afar

We have witnessed how they live in this village... and definitely, it is not easy.
We know how we complain of floods, but here, they actually live it!
But as they say, the Tausug are sea people and literally "Tao" means people and "sug" means (sea) current, therefore, "People of the Sea Current"!
Their life revolves around these stilt houses and the seaweed farms but still they need to go to the mainland to sell their seaweeds and where they get their other needs such as marketing, shopping and schooling!
Gangnam style by the Travel Reportage group Photo Credit: Doc Anton Lim

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